Friday, June 27, 2008

Time flies

Wow, it's already end of June and tomorrow I'm gonna have the last exam of my third term.

I feel kind of guilty not to have written anything here during almost two months. There would have been quite a bit to talk about.

However, I was crazy enough to subscribe to 13 credits. Usually the school does not allow students to take on more than 9 credits in order to avoid overload. I got special permission to take an additional course, boosting my credit load to 11. Then I just joined one more course without officially subscribing to it (as I wouldn't have gotten permission anyway ;-).

I have to say - in retrospect - 13 credits is simply too much. There hasn't been much time left for anything else and my social life has been lying fairly low. But somehow I survived. I always do ;-)

On a side note: I'll be in Switzerland from July 1 to July 7, so if anybody wants to see me, that would be the occasion. Then I'll be off to the Philippines for 2 months and after that I'll be staying in London for another 4 months.