Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Improv star

On Friday there was the welcoming party where I had signed up to do a little improv show. Guess what: WE DID GREAT! Some people even went up to me after the show to tell me how cool they thought the stuff had been.

It wasn't my achievment, though, since I had a great team: Erika and Jordana helped me out. Erika had some acting experience already and Jordana is just a natural! To be honest, they probably did much better on stage than myself...

First we did a Stop-and-Go which went very well. Then we did some puppeteering stuff with puppeteers picked from the audience. [Side note: I could have killed the guy who was controlling me, as he constantly did "funny" things such as sticking my middle finger out or picking my nose, etc]

Pictures will follow as soon as I had a chance to upload them (you know, the workload...)

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