Monday, October 22, 2007

On a high note

We just got feedback on the very first group project that we had handed in.

Quote: Your grade on this paper is 96. One of the best papers on this deliverable. VERY strong paper. (As I grade your paper, I’m almost done with the papers and this is the highest grade so far…)

Let's hope this is a better predictor for future performance than the Marketing papers, where the class was slammed with a 76 point average, that "had been artifically raised in order not to demotivate everyone"...


Anonymous said...

isch das das ding gsi wo vo Hand gschribe hesch?


Gruess Herby

Shanghai-Matt said...

Nope, dä handgschribeni Seich isch "Financial Accounting" gsi.

Un det wärded alli e gueti Note becho, will de Prof sini Muschterlösige scho vor em Abgabetermin ufs Intranet geschtellt hät. Ich säg ja, das mit em Handgschribne isch total sinnlos gsi!

Defür isch es dänn bi dä Prüefig derzue grad umgekehrt usecho. Di ganzi Klass isch schier verreckt wills öppe dopplet so vill Ziit bruucht hetti zum Prüefig fertig z'löse. Nimmt mi wunder, was es dert für en Punkt Durchschnitt gä wird...