Wednesday, November 21, 2007

OB and the work-life balance

I just booked a flight to the Philippines!
What, that's nothing to do with Organisational Behaviour you say? WRONG!

I little background: Those who know me will testify that I'm a really lazy guy when it comes to studying. I basically went through all my undergrad and grad years avoiding homework as much as possible. I always bragged not to have had the best grades but by far the highest efficiency.

Now that I'm older, I thought I might try and act a little more mature, maybe put some study effort into what I've paid a lot of money for. So I decided to really study for OB, as it seemed to be a subject that has great applicability and value in the "real world". I read the whole damn' textbook front to end, something which I haven't done for any other subject (so far I haven't even opened the economics textbook once). I actually was so comitted that I took the OB textbook with me on my vacation trip to Guilin (I know, I'm a sicko, sigh).

I also wrote a 2-3 page summary for each chapter. This is the only time in my entire life, that I've ever summarized a text book in writing. So when the day of midterm exam came, I was soooo in mastery of the subject, that I was done with the exam in little more than half the alotted time (see here). WOW! I'm such a cool guy, I thought ;-)

Time warp: We just got back the grades for the OB midterm. I scored among the lowest 15%.

Now speaking of OB, Skinner's motivational theory, equity theroy, extinction of behaviour, etc. I was quick to assess the damage and draw the appropriate conclusions. STUDYING DOESN'T PAY OFF! I tried it once, and guys, believe me, it simply doesn't.

So I decided not to repeat the same mistake twice. I will use the study week (one week off before the final exams in which we are supposed to refresh all the course contents) to go to the Philippines for scuba diving. Now that's what I call work-life balance!

Trust me. Experience tells me that I'll score much higher this way. And if not, at least I'll claim the record for highest efficiency once again...

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