Saturday, January 19, 2008

It's raining cats and dogs

Well, not literally, but the weather really is rather shitty right now!

However, Chinese people seem to be very inventive dealing with the situation (and their pets)...

Tonight we had the farewell dinner for the MBA 2006 class. It was a great event hosted in the Ramada hotel. As part of the show they screened a 10 minute movie called the MBATRIX.

Essentially it was a short version of The Matrix re-staged with many personalities of CEIBS. Absolutely hilarious! Eleven out of ten for this one!

They re-did all the special effects and people rolled on the floor laughing when they had canteen personell turn into agents. The famous scene where Morpheous shows Neo the "real world" accurately reframed canteen food and in the end our statistics professor was cast as "the architect".

It's gonna be very hard to top this one on our own farewell party.

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