Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Study less, party more!

I hate new year's resolutions. They never last much longer than a few weeks, or, more often than not, days.

So I decided to call this my term two resolution. It only has to work for four months and hence feels more doable and less frightening.

Why study less? Because it will leave me more time and energy for the second part of the resolution.
Why party more? That's not a serious question, right?

Honestly, I feel that I completely missed some of the goals I had set for my MBA experience. I didn't really enjoy Shanghai's nightlife as much as I would have liked. And most of the time I went out with other international students rather than Chinese fellows, mainly because they have a different notion of hanging loose.

While hang loose and relax usually means go to a bar, have a beer or two, and do some talking to a Westerner, the same thing to a Chinese means grab a group of 20 people, go to a Karaoke place, and sing, dance, drink and smoke in a crowded, noisy fashion.

And this is exactly what I'm gonna do this term. Why? I have no freakin' clue. Just part of the mandatory cultural experience, I guess.

P.S. I got 90/100 for the case I wrote in least-effort manner. Another point which proves my new strategy as being highly effecive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

paaaah!!! "mandatory cultural experience"... dont want to know, what that all includes.... ;-)